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Situated in the industrial area of Orton Southgate in Peterborough, a 28,000ft2 scheme regenerates disused industrial land creating 8 new industrial units within the commercial and industrial park in Manasty Road.

Our Role

Our responsibilities comprised a design of mechanical, electrical, public health services for the industrial units. The scope of our engagement encompasses Cat A Fit-Out design for new office and warehouse within each industrial unit.

New mechanical services were specified, domestic water and extract system included drainage services to each unit. Our electrical services solution involved the installation of new small power, energy efficient lighting and fire alarm systems to suit the client’s requirements. A new street lighting design was included in our Scope of Works.

The Outcome

To achieve the client’s stringent efficiency credentials, we scoped-out a comprehensive energy strategy, daylight and thermal studies using dynamic simulation modelling. The resultant output of our carefully calculated design will be BREEAM ‘very good’ industrial units. Smart energy and daylight sensing devices will be installed in each unit, enabling tenants to help reduce energy use.

Project Highlights

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Public Health Engineering
  • Energy & Low Carbon Designs
  • Cat A Designs


Key Team Members

Mechanical Engineer

Keith Belding

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