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NOW is the time to map out a tailored route to advance your site’s planning prospects. The economic and governmental landscape shifting can be shaped into an opportunity to unlock development potential and move to the forefront of planning decision makers’ judgements. Our dedicated team provides expert planning services to promote positive outcomes for landowners, developers and applicants. We develop clear, concise and results driven strategies in partnership with clients, drawing upon our multi-disciplinary team to problem solve and optimise site efficiency and value.

Planning Appraisal and Strategy

Ranging from initial due diligence to inform land acquisition decisions to comprehensive strategy creation, implementation and monitoring, our expert team utilises their years’ of developer and promoter knowledge to support your aspirations.

Pre-application and Planning Performance Certificates

Brookbanks can deliver a comprehensive pre-application package leading internal and external project teams. Obtaining Officer feedback prior to submission of a formal application can increase chances of approval, ultimately saving time and resources and de-risk the planning application. On a site by site basis, we can advise if entering into a Planning Performance Agreement will secure a better service from the Local Authority.

Site Promotion and Local Plan Representation

We specialise in site promotion and local plan representations, working to bring forward your site for allocation within a Local Plan by positively engaging with local authorities and stakeholders. This can operate as the core of the planning strategy or operate as a twin track route with an application to accelerate timescales.

Planning Applications

Brookbanks expertly handle the coordination and submission of planning applications for you, the team provides clear direction to achieve deadlines and produce high quality outcomes. We provide Planning Statements and accompanying planning documents needed for validation, and act as Environmental Impact Assessment co-ordinators where needed.


Brookbanks advise on appeal prospects, strategy and are experienced in preparing appeal documents for all routes of appeal. We will confidently lead the team and engage with legal advisors throughout.

Discharging and Varying Obligations

Ranging from submissions demonstrating compliance with conditions, S106 obligations and CIL regulations, to critical analysis of obligations to make cost or time savings, Brookbanks will be a key planning partner in implementing developments.

Why use us?

  • Independent and trustworthy advice
  • Driven planners’ will lead and support an expert team
  • Partnership working to deliver client outcomes
  • Efficient and responsive reporting and management

Speak to our Planning Team Leaders today!

Group Development Director

Andy Tinnelly

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Associate Director

Annabel Le Lohé

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