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Dean Swann

Technical Director, Highways, Environmental and Transition Group

Dean is a Technical Director at Brookbanks, with over 36 years experience providing a wide-ranging engineering background in the support of planning and infrastructure delivery both in the UK and abroad.
Dean currently leads our work in helping clients secure planning and delivery of development presently stymied with Nutrient Neutrality Issues throughout England and Wales, delivering varying solutions to get development underway. He has also being leading the advice given to both the HBF and LPDF on this matter when lobbying and advising the government on how the industry may move forward on this matter.
On day to day matters Dean leads our teams for clients on Planning Applications through out the country advising on all technical aspects of planning such as:
  • Air quality
  • Ecology
  • Flooding and drainage
  • Ground conditions
  • Highways
  • Noise
  • Utilities
  • Waste issues (nutrients and water usage)
Did you know? 
  • Dean is a keen Motorcyclist and Pilot, and assures us that he is Tom Cruise, if ordered through Wish.

Projects Involved In: